Notice to all Research Resources Center Customers Heading link

In order to minimize COVID-19 spread, the Research Resources Center, Preclinical Imaging Core is implementing the following temporary mandatory guidelines for using this core:

  • All customers entering the core space must wear new, clean gloves.
  • If there is a need to remove gloves, wash your hands with soap frequently and for at least 20 seconds. Do not touch your face or other individuals. Replace gloves as soon as possible.
  • Instead of shaking hands, exchange greetings with a wave, bow, or nod.
  • Try to keep at least one meter/three feet distance between yourself and others.
  • Disinfect anything you used during your visit with 70% ETOH or other disinfectant after every use.
    1. Anesthesia machine in B07 and B29
    2. Items in animal holding room (B32)
    3. Computers
    4. Animal holders
    5. RF coils
    6. MRI console
    7. Water chillers
    8. Animal air heating system
    9. Animal surgical tools
    10. Any other equipment used in the core
  • Dispose of any waste from experiments to designated containers.
  • Report any suspicious materials.

If you have any flu like symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath) please do not use the core services. You should stay home and follow the appropriate guidelines as indicated by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).

Frequently Asked Questions Heading link

For information regarding working in the PIC, contact Dr. Weiguo Li or Ms. Jin Gao. Their contact information can be found under the “Contact” section of the website.

Contact MRI staff members to make appointment at least 7 days before.



Yes. There is an animal room (B29) for you to prepare your experimental from imaging and a Room (BRL satellite facility) to temporarily keep research animals for 12 hours at most.

Yes. There are basic supplies provided during a reservation, such as basic animal surgical tools

Yes. There are two set of anesthesia machines in the facility

Yes. But for a beginner, staff assistant is mandatory. After training, you can operate under supervision until you qualified to operate the system by yourself.

The facility is open 24/7, but only experienced users are allowed to use the our system(s) outside of the normal hours. If you need assistance, please contact our staff to make appointment at least 7 days before. Or, you can make your reservation if you’re authorized to do so.

Yes. You need to apply the access to facility director.

The normal MRI hours is defined as the normal working hours. that is, 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday-Friday. The university holiday is NOT considered as normal hours.

Please STOP your operations and contact our staff immediately. If no staff is on site, the emergency contact information is on the wall beside the MRI host computer in the MRI control room.

All the data must be transferred online. The data files that are less than 25 MB is encouraged to be sent through emails; larger files could be shared through Dropbox, UIC box, or ftp. USB flash drive or any portable media is NOT accepted.

The users are suggested to transfer their data as soon as possible after their experiments. Please refer the facility “Policies on data management” section.

You can cancel a reservation before it starts. But a consolation fee might be applied. If you are late to a reservation, you will be charged the full price of your reserved time.

You can continue to use the instrument if no other users reserve the same instrument after your time is up. However, you must stop your studies before the time that the instrument is reserved by other users.

Please note, once you have signed in on the instrument, the actual changes will be the time that is longer between actual instrument time used and time booked.

Please consider the facility “Time Reporting Policy” for more details.

You can contact our staff. They are happy to help you.

Please email our admin team at

Please submit an iLabs ticket with the Scientific Computing Core