How to gain access to the facility Heading link

  • STEP 1: Talk to facility staff
    Please get in touch with the people listed below to discuss your research projects.
    - Dr. Weiguo Li, Director of PIC facility at
  • STEP 2: Prepare animal protocol
    A new animal protocol or an amendment to the existing animal protocol should be approved by ACC at UIC for the animal models to be imaged in the PIC facility. More information and details can be obtained from the facility staff listed above.
  • STEP 3: iLab account
    The user (or his PI) needs to set up an iLab account if she/he doesn’t have one. To get information about creating an account with iLab and to create payment sources. 

    • How to set up an iLab account can be found here.
  • STEP 4: Experiment design and scanning protocol setup
    At this stage, the user works with facility staff or director to set up the imaging protocols. 

    • Sometimes, MRI techniques might not be available on the system and/or need further development. The user can collaborate with our staff to develop these techniques if she/he prefers to do so. Our team can help with the experiment design if necessary. The details of the experimental design and technical development can be found in the collaboration policy section.
  • STEP 5: Imaging services
    The facility provides flexible ways of services (details listed on our iLab website ). The two significant services include Service 1, Imaging performed by facility staff, and Service 2, Imaging performed by the user himself/herself. Different rates will apply for the two services (please refer to the rate policy). The user needs to finish a certain level of training (STEP 6 and 7) and a specific time of Service 1 if she/he prefers to use Service 2.

    • The services can be finished based on the project, which needs to be discussed with the facility director.
  • STEP 6: Animal handling training
    The user needs to be trained by BRL staff and get approval for animal handling before performing MRI scanning by herself.
  • STEP 7: Facility training
    Our facility staff must train the user before performing any imaging studies. This training will cover necessary knowledge and operations procedures and safety-related topics, such as MRI basics and MRI safety. After training, the user still needs to be trained in Service 1 to gain enough experience to operate the systems safely before she/he gets permission for Service 2.
  • STEP 8: Scheduling
    Scheduling is available through iLabs for approved users.
  • STEP 9: Non-UIC users
    Non-UIC users need to discuss with Dr. Weiguo Li, the facility director, the logistics for animal imaging in the facility.

Rates and Instrument usage fees Heading link

Instrument Rate
9.4T preclinical MRI (experienced user - no technical support)UIC (internal) $170/hour
9.4T preclinical MRI (includes staff support) $170/hour
9.4T preclinical MRI (training) $170/hour
Staff support time (including but limited to Instrument Operator Time, consulting, and image analysis, available 9 am-5 pm weekdays) $100/hour
Instrument Rate
9.4T preclinical MRI (experienced user - no technical support) $450/hour
9.4T preclinical MRI (includes staff support): $770/hour
9.4T preclinical MRI (training) $770/hour
Staff support time (including but limited to Instrument Operator Time, consulting, and image analysis) $300/hour
Instrument Rate
MRI safety training (1 hour) $100 + instruments usage fee
MRI Basic Training (1 hour) $100
MRI Operational Training $270/hour

Note: Reservations for more than a day need at least three weeks lead time and a discussion with the facility staff is recommended