To schedule instrument time, please visit iLab.

The user must schedule the usage of the instruments according to the facility Scheduling Policies (See the policy sections)

9.4 T MRI System Heading link


Our 31cm bore size 9.4T Agilent MRI system can provide the full support of MRS and MRI studies in animals with sizes up to 15cm in diameter. Our current system includes a complete set of three heavy-duty and efficient gradient coils (305/210HD, 300A, 600mT/m, 205/120 HD, 300A, 600mT/m; and 115/60 HD, 200A, 1000mT/m). Task-designated imaging RF coils are available to improve the quality of the MR image. An isoflurane anesthesia system, body temperature control, and vital signs monitoring system (i.e., temperature, respiration, and ECG) plus an MRI-compatible small animal gating system (SA Instruments) are installed to permit free-breathing acquisition during quantitative MRI measurements.

Polarean 9820 129Xe Hyperpolarizer Heading link


The 9820 129Xe hyperpolarizer provides a routine supply of high-purity, hyperpolarized 129Xe for gas-phase magnetic resonance studies. The polarizer is installed near the 9.4 T MRI suite. It processes a custom mixture of unpolarized 129Xe into pure hyperpolarized 129Xe that is available for magnetic resonance studies.

MR images Analysis Service Heading link

The image analysis of the MRI data depends on the MRI techniques and applications. Examples of MRI data analysis include T1/ T2/T2* mapping, ADC mapping, DTI matric analysis etc. Please contact the facility director for your project-specific data analysis.